Волонтеры проекта F.A.C.T. в администрации Нижнеангарска / F.A.C.T. volunteers in the hou
Archive for the ‘English’ Category
Finishing touch
Sunday, July 12th, 2009Before leaving the volunteers visited the local authorities in Nizhneangarsj and held a press-conference to answer all the questions about the project. The told about the way the project was going, what and how they were building, what aims they were originally pursueing and what they achieved in the end. Both local authorities and the journalists were satisfied with the answers, and on the photo posted above you can see our crew leaders and volunteers in the house of local administration – well-tanned, a bit tired and very pleased
posted by HP iPAQ 914 Business Messenger
No goodbyes :)
Saturday, July 11th, 2009The last day together is over, and this day was long and fascinating. The guys didn’t miss their chance to have a bath in the hot springs of Khakussy, then they went to Nizhneangarsk and Severobaikalsk. Tomorrow the participants of the project will be in Irkutsk where they will part for some time. But the guys don’t feel too much sad due to several reasons. Firstly, it was one of the kind, and the very first project, absolutely unique, which means we can expect further developing of the project. Secondly, there are still 700 metres of the trail to complete, and a lot of our volunteers would be happy to come back once more and do it. The crewleaders of the group will have a discussion of the project with the GBT coordinators in Irkutsk, they will also provide a detailed accout of the job done. And we do hope to have a chance to hear the opinions of the volunteers themselves
posted by HP iPAQ 914 Business Messenger
Yesterday party was so much fun!
Saturday, July 11th, 2009Today the guys are leaving the project. Right now they are moving to Khakussy – to relax a little in the hot springs and then move on. The day full of fuss connected with departure is ahead of our volunteers, still it’s going to be a pleasant day. Yesterday the guys had a marvellous time – apart from the expected talks and jokes and songs, the volunteers played some funny games and had some competitions which forced them to be really brave like the real GBT initiation ceremony, for example ! WE should say that all the guys passed this test with all the dignity
posted by HP iPAQ 914 Business Messenger
A hard day’s night ;)
Friday, July 10th, 2009It was not until the evening when our volunteers could breathe a sigh of relief – they haven’t worked at such a pace during any of the previous days. The didn’t even stop to send a message to our twitter. And – voila! – the whole trail along the coastline – from the Upper Angara to Khakyssy – is absolutely ready for exploitation as well as the bridge which has already managed to become famous. The guys cannot believe they have done such a giant job. The only thing still left to do is 700 metres of the trail to Frolikha, and a lot of volunteers feel sorry that they have to leave tomorrow without finishing such a small part of the trail. But we can definitely comfort them – the things they’ve already done are just impressive! Tomorrow the whole group is leaving for Severobaikalsk, which is why today’s evening is special. Firstly, it is a kind of a farewell party, exciting and sad at the same time. Secondly, it is the last chance this summer for our German friends to enjoy the dishes of Russian field kitchen (something tells us that a lot of guys must be fed up with it and don’t really mind drinking good beer and eating nice sausage ))), but porridge absolutely has its advantages). And finally, it is a romantic evening with sitting around the campfire, talking, singing songs, playing the guitar, telling stories, laughing and reminiscing what was happening during last ten days. The moment to say real goodbyes and discuss real results hasn’t come yet, and now we’re going to set the fire
posted by HP iPAQ 914 Business Messenger
Day full of surprises
Thursday, July 9th, 2009The second and the fourth group have finished marking their parts of the trail today, which means that the work on the trail from the Upper Angara to Khakussy is completed. Now the guys are working on the part of the trail going to Frolikha. This is quite a big part and the groups feel worried that they might fail to finish the whole thing. Meanwhile, the building of the bridge is happening as well at the same time with building the trail divided by the groups in different sections. One more surprise for today was the catamaran that sunk. Fortunately, the crash of this local Titanic hasn’t caused any troubles except for the necessity to fix it. The groups haven’t decided yet who is going to do that, they are presumably drawing lots aaaallll night )) Tomorrow all the four groups will have a very tense day, because it is the last day they will spend working on the trail full time, and the eleventh of July is the day all the volunteers depart from the place of the project. Despite the fact that everyone seems to be preoccupied with the thoughts of the work to be done, they can’t but admire the sunset today, it is just incredible. The last days make the guys feel the magic of this beautiful place even more keenly.
posted by HP iPAQ 914 Business Messenger
The day we have all been waiting for)
Wednesday, July 8th, 2009It has finally happened – all the group have united in one team and feel almost almighty The guys can’t think of a moment they felt equally happy – maybe when they saw Baikal, but except for the joy to see the most beautiful lake, nothing measures up to the beauty of the moment.
All the groups today had a hike to the lake Frolikha, which amazed them by the fact that despite it’s often dwarfed by its grand neighbour – Baikal itself – the lake is still absolutely charming and the scenery is brilliant.
Coming back to work – the guys continue building the bridge – it’s going to be a grandiose construction. All the groups now have a clear plan – they move in the direction of their former camps from the Ayaya bay, building and improving the trail.
And there’s definitely something nostalgic in the air – moving to the finishing belt shows.
posted by HP iPAQ 914 Business Messenger
Before Meeting
Tuesday, July 7th, 2009we are almost together – our groups will meet tomorrow
Here is what happened today:
Groups 1 and 2 were working hard clearing the trail corridor, they have only 1,8 km left to Ayaya Bay. Work was conducted till 7 pm, the group was so enthusiastic that they had almost missed dinner . A real Baikal feast was waiting for them at the camp: fish (omul) on sticks was prepared.
Group 3 is very keen on their bridge. the group was divided in two: ones were occupied with the bridge preparing materials for it and others were clearing the scouted portion of the trail to Frolikha Lake (250 meters). They had to work surrounded by mosquitoes who were very hungry to try German and Russian blood. Mosquito nets ‘d be of the great help! these heroes had even excavated 16 of the trail. Bears are scared of this group because all bear signs of evidence are at least a week old.
Group 4 was busy marking the trail with painting all the way to “Khakusy” resort. They celebrated such important event by swimming in the hot springs on the sunny day.
Tomorrow the groups will have a challenging day mowing to Ayaya bay where Group 3 will be waiting for them. And right now all are enjoying the stars on the sky, chats by the fire and some even “Amritta” (Buryat alcohol balm on steppe herbs)
posted by HP iPAQ 914 Business Messenger
Немного иллюстраций / some pics :)
Tuesday, July 7th, 2009Our own equator)
Tuesday, July 7th, 2009It’s hard to imagine but today is the day when our project is past its half, we’ve got six days left, and it’s sad!! It is too early to discuss the results, still we’ve already got something to boast of Today in the morning the first and the second groups felt the most nostalgic, because they truly miss their crew leaders who have already gone home. Having spent together six uneasy but fascinating days, the guys have really become very much attached to each other. In the meantime, the interpreters in all the groups confessed that they now find their job several times easier because all the volunteers got to like each other so much and, as they say, “undersatnd each other without saying anything” (if the trend continues, the interpreters will reach new frontiers and start practicing telepathy )). Right now the lunchtime is coming, but no one feels like finishing the job – when you see the tangible results, you don’t want to stop. Thus, the fourth group is marking the trail to Khakussy, looking forward to swimming in hot springs situated there and the other groups are working to their utmost, thinking that tomorrow they we’ll all become one camp.
posted by HP iPAQ 914 Business Messenger